Contact and Directions

Contact Details


+1 819 876 2528


Street Address:

4945 Stage Road
Stanstead, Québec J0B-3E0

Postal Address:
Box 473
Derby Line, VT 05830

Getting here

By car is the easiest.

Driving directions

We are about four miles from the point where I-91 crosses the border at Derby Line, Vermont and joins Autoroute 55 at Stanstead (Rock Island), Quebec, Canada. The property is about a mile north of the border as the crow flies and 5 miles by the road.

Nearest bus/train

Magog bus terminal is the closest, but Sherbrooke is ok too.

Nearest commercial airport

Montreal, QC,Canada or Burlington, VT, USA

Flying into our airport

We have a 2,600-foot, smooth grass airport (C-TQ2) with good approaches for high performance aircraft. The coordinates are: N 45 02 11, W 72 01 61.

It is required that everyone coming to our beautiful and scenic property, especially flying in, agrees to come at their own discretion and liability, as there is no insurance.

The airport is open in summer but please call for current runway conditions.

All are welcome, but the Weller Farm takes no responsibility for any property damage or personal injury incurred by your decision to come. In other words, if you choose to come, you agree to come at your own risk.

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